F1GP-EdF1GP-Ed Documentation

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This window allows you to alter the risk factors for each circuit
individually.  For more information on risk factors, see the relevant
descriptions in the team editor.

Note that the global risk factor in the team editor window is ignored when
this patch is installed.  If you alter the Local Risk Factors once you've
installed this patch, the new values take immediate effect (ie you don't
have to reinstall the patch each time you make a change).

Local Risk Factor
   Risk Factor to be applied to the currently selected circuit.  Values
between 0 and 32767 are allowed.  This value is used in all sessions except

Local Race Risk Factor
   Risk Factor to be applied to the currently selected circuit.  Values
between 0 and 32767 are allowed.  This value is only used in races.

   Set the Local Risk Factors for the currently selected circuit to the
default value (the same is in the track file for that circuit).

Decrease All
   Decrease the Local Risk Factors for all circuits by 50.

Increase All
   Increase the Local Risk Factors for all circuits by 50.

Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.